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Q & A Session


As part of the launch for IIH NZ, we plan to have Q & A session.

Our team of medical specialists are here to help answer your questions about IIH.

Please comment below, or send us an email with your question.

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17 de jun. de 2023

I was diagnosed when I was like 16?i think? And had been on topirmate? I think it was called? For wow a few years, but never really had my headaches get any better so asked to stop taking them.

Been a few years without them and don't feel any different, but also I have nooo idea what I should be looking out for for signs things are getting worse.


16 de jan. de 2023

Hi from Waikato. What support is there? Got a teenage boy feeling very alone. Had regular migraines since age 4, whooshing in ears for 6 months. LP 3 months ago confirming IIH.


16 de jan. de 2023

Hi there,

I have a question regarding the "idiopathic" side of things? I was diagnosed in June with IIH with papilledema. I've had an mri and a lumber puncture (36 opening) but no fluid was sent for testing. The MRI showed what was first said to me to be a meningioma but then after was said it is a cavernoma and was an incidental find. For the previous 3 odd years I had been back and forward to rhumatology as my gp was trying to figure out what was going on due to multiple other symptoms which aren't linked to IIH but the rhumatologist said that MS or Lupus was a possibility but now I've been diagnosed with the IIH…

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